19 Self-Awareness Tests to Truly Understand Yourself (2024)

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How well do you know yourself?

Being aware of who you truly are can be very valuable, especially when it comes to your self-confidence. But although many of us would like to say that we’re self-aware, only a few people actually are.

In an article published in Harvard Business Review, psychologist Tasha Eurich reveals that in a study of self-awareness she did with her colleagues that involved 5,000 participants, only around 10–15% were truly self-aware.

You can gain a lot from knowing yourself, and a well-designed self-awareness test can help get you there.

Many self-awareness quizzes are available online, and most of these tests only take around five minutes. Today, we’re featuring the best of them in this article.

Before diving in to these online self-assessment tests, let’s discuss how self-awareness benefits you.

Table of Contents

The Advantages of Being Self-Aware

Self-awareness is a beneficial habit that you can develop. When you truly understand yourself, key areas of your life reap the benefits. Specifically:

  • It allows you to understand what works and what doesn’t work in your life.
  • It empowers you to make better decisions that benefit you.
  • It allows you to better regulate your mood.
  • It fosters better personal relationships.
  • It enhances your creativity.

Read on for our recommendations of the best online self-awareness quizzes you can try today.

1. Insight Quiz

19 Self-Awareness Tests to Truly Understand Yourself (1)

via Tasha Eurich

This online quiz takes five minutes to complete. It is a subset of Tasha Eurich’s original 70-item self-assessment questionnaire.

The premise of this quiz is that your answers only provide one side of your personality. To get a different perspective of who you truly are, you also need the input of someone close to you.

When you’re done answering the 14 questions in this test, you need to submit your name and email address. The you are required to enter the name and email address of a friend who can answer another set of questions about you.

Only after your friend has answered their version of the test will you get your result.

2. The LoGreco Self-Awareness Quiz

19 Self-Awareness Tests to Truly Understand Yourself (2)

via Bruno LoGreco

The results of this quiz will help you reach your highest potential.

It takes an average of five minutes to answer this set of multiple-choice questions. Each statement asks you to rate how well a description fits you.

The results are immediately available after you finish the quiz. These results are grouped according to the number of points a test-taker has accumulated from his or her answers.

Each group represents the personality types as described by the author of this online test. A test-taker can belong to one of the following groups:

  • Optimistic, with a positive attitude.
  • Possessing good self-awareness, but may suffer from some insecurities and limiting beliefs.
  • Has a tendency to quickly lose motivation.
  • Bases their actions and decisions on fear.

Overall, this quiz helps you identify areas of improvement within yourself, and also highlights the strengths that you can further develop to help reach your highest potential.

3. Typefinder Personality Test

19 Self-Awareness Tests to Truly Understand Yourself (3)

via Truity

If you are looking for a Myers–Briggs type of personality test, you might want to try Typefinder.

First, a bit of history.

The original personality test was developed by a mother-daughter team made up of Katharine Cook-Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers.

Myers and Briggs applied Carl Jung’s concept of the four psychological functions that humans possess in order to experience the world around them.

Myers and Briggs used combinations of these functions to come up with 16 unique personality types. The theory is that each one of us has a dominant personality type.

Typefinder is a self-awareness quiz that identifies your dominant personality type.

The test has 130 questions, and users spend an average of 15 minutes on the quiz.

After completing the test, you are given an overview of your results featuring the key points of your personality type. Unlocking the full report requires a small fee.

4. NERIS Type Explorer

19 Self-Awareness Tests to Truly Understand Yourself (4)

via 16 Personalities

Just like the Typefinder test, the NERIS Type Explorer test is also an offshoot of the Myers-Briggs personality test.

After taking the free online test, you’ll know whether you belong to one of the following groups:

  • Analysts
  • Diplomats
  • Sentinels
  • Explorers

This knowledge can help you understand how your personality type influences different areas of your life.

5. Level of Awareness Tests

19 Self-Awareness Tests to Truly Understand Yourself (5)

via Higher Awareness

The higher your level of awareness is, the more you can manifest meaningful and wonderful life experiences.

This test reveals your level of awareness. There are 14 questions, and all of them encourage you to look within and encounter your:

  • Personal beliefs about relationships
  • Sense of self
  • Goals and dreams

The test results provide an overview of the stage you are at in your journey toward awareness. It provides suggestions about where and how you can apply your awareness to develop your gifts and share them with others.

6. How Self-Aware Are You? Quiz

19 Self-Awareness Tests to Truly Understand Yourself (6)

via ProProfs Quizzes

Knowing how self-aware you are does not only benefits your spiritual life, but also your professional life. (Check out our favorite enlightenment apps to help your spiritual journey.)

This online test was designed for that specific purpose.

This test contains 10 questions. For each question, there are three choices. The results are given at the end of the test.

These results provide helpful and eye-opening suggestions to help you excel in the workplace.

7. iNLP Center Self-Awareness Test

19 Self-Awareness Tests to Truly Understand Yourself (7)

via iNLP Center

Are you ready to discover the deepest aspects of your personality? If so, this test can help.

This test from the iNLP Center has 12 questions, each of which presents five choices. Your job is to choose the option that resonates with you the most.

An interpretation of your answers is given once you’re done with the test. The results page also gives you your score.

Once you have your score, you also are told which category best fits your level of awareness.

The categories include:

  • Blindfolded
  • Living in a Dark Room
  • Peripheral Blinders On
  • Enlightened

The results page also provides suggestions on how to overcome the challenges of your current level in order to advance to the next stage of self-awareness.

8. Sparktype Assessment

via Good Life Project

This online assessment uncovers your “Sparktype”—the essence of work that gives you a sense of purpose, makes you feel fully alive, and lets you express your true self to the fullest.

The assessment has 46 questions or statements, and each statement is about the different ways the essence of work is manifested. You rate your answer on whether the statement applies to you or is totally out of character for you.

Your result is provided at the end of the assessment, along with the description of your Sparktype.

The assessment takes an average of 15 minutes to complete.

9. Self- Aware Test

19 Self-Awareness Tests to Truly Understand Yourself (9)

via Scuffed Entertainment

If you’re wondering about your level of self-awareness, this test can help.

The test contains 30 questions, and you select the answers that best apply to you.

This straightforward test gives you your result once you’re done, telling you whether you’re self-aware or not.

Users spend an average of 10 minutes taking this test.

10. Chris Heinz Self-Awareness Quiz

19 Self-Awareness Tests to Truly Understand Yourself (10)

via Chris Heinz Co.

This online quiz reveals how well you know yourself.

It has only eight questions to answer, with users taking an average of five minutes to complete the quiz.

Each question is a statement about being self-aware. You need to indicate the frequency (from Never to Always) that the statement is true for you.

Results are provided at the end of the quiz, where you are given a score out of 40 and an interpretation of your score.

The interpretation also identifies the main challenge you face, based on your level of self-awareness.

11. Arathi Self-Awareness Quiz

19 Self-Awareness Tests to Truly Understand Yourself (11)

via Arathi

By taking this quiz, you will gain a deeper understanding of who you truly are.

Filling out a short form with your name and email gives you access to the quiz itself.

There are 25 questions that allow you to reflect on your activities, relationship with others, and relationship with yourself.

Results are provided once you’re done with the quiz. You’re given a score (out of 122 points) and an equivalent percentage. An interpretation of your score is also provided, indicating whether you have strong or weak self-awareness.

Completing the quiz takes an average of eight minutes.

12. Lyfas Emotional Awareness Self-Assessment Test

via Lyfas One

Emotional awareness is part of being self-aware. It is your ability to identify what you’re feeling at the moment, as well as the emotions of those around you. It’s also knowing what makes you happy and identifying your triggers for negative emotions.

This emotional awareness test helps determine how emotionally aware you are. It can help pinpoint some of the causes of social anxiety (in case you have it), as well as help you with self-motivation and self-regulation.

The test has 18 questions. These are mostly statements about social interactions that you need to rank from strongly disagree to strongly agree.

Completing the test takes an average of six minutes and the results are provided immediately afterward, so you’ll immediately know if you have low or high emotional awareness.

Together with the results provided are suggestions for improving or strengthening your emotional awareness. Many of these suggestions are actionable and practical.

The designers of this test encourage users to try taking it again a few weeks after they’ve applied the suggestions to see if there’s any improvement in their emotional awareness.

13. Know Yourself Test

via Paragon Research Ltd.

This free test helps you know yourself better, allowing you to improve your performance in different aspects of life. It has three questions and takes about five minutes to complete.

A feedback report is given upon completing the test. Your feedback report provides a detailed explanation for the answers you gave, such as how your choice influences how you accomplish things, how you perceive others around you, and how you process information.

The quiz provides insight into various aspects of your true self. There is also a paid version of this test, which costs around $200, contains more questions, and provides a more detailed feedback report.

14. PrinciplesYou Assessment

via PrinciplesYou

This online assessment provides in-depth information about your true character and your tendencies when you’re interacting with others.

It has over 200 questions and statements that you need to rank according to how strongly you agree or disagree with each one. Completing the assessment takes an average of 45 minutes.

Once you are done, you’ll receive a comprehensive report that reveals the top three archetypes that match your personality. You can then view a detailed description of each of the archetypes you matched with, revealing your tendencies, strengths, talents, and growth needs.

The comprehensive report also reveals your approach to thinking, providing an overview of what type of work fits you best and how you deal with problems.

Finally, the report reveals how you interact with others, providing insightful information about your natural tendencies to help you cultivate better relationships with other people.

15. DISC Personality Test

via DISC Personality Testing

This assessment helps you develop deeper self-awareness and better understanding of your personal tendencies (e.g., in responding to conflict and when solving problems), motivation, and stress triggers.

DISC stands for Dominant, Inspiring, Supportive, and Cautious—the four personality types in this model.

This free assessment has 12 questions about what you would least likely or most like do in certain situations. You are then provided with a partial report about the DISC type that best matches your personality, along with a brief description of the personality type.

It takes an average of 10 minutes to complete the assessment. A for-purchase version of this assessment provides in-depth information about your personality type.

16. O*Net Interest Profiler

via My Next Move

Knowing yourself makes it easier to get a job that matches your personality and preferences. This online profiler helps you discover what you like to do and explore jobs that might interest you.

There are 60 questions in this profiler, which ask you to rate activities associated with different types of jobs. Completing the profiler takes an average of 10 minutes.

Once you’re done answering, the results are presented in a graph that shows different types of interests (realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional) and the points each type gets.

The one with the highest points is your personal interest. You can then click on that particular interest to read a brief description of what it means to have this type of interest, as well as to explore career suggestions.

17. The Road to Self-Awareness Quiz

via LifeHack

This test helps determine your level of self-awareness. There are 15 statements in this quiz, and you need to mark down the points for each corresponding with:

  • Not at all – 1 point
  • Rarely – 2 points
  • Sometimes – 3 points
  • Often – 4 points
  • Very often – 5 points

Once you’re done assigning points for all the statements, you tally up all the score. You can then check the equivalent of your total score from the guide provided in the original post.

It takes at least 10 minutes to answer the quiz and tally up your score.

18. Global EQ Test

via IDR Labs

We mentioned earlier that emotional intelligence is part of self-awareness. Here’s a test that measures your emotional intelligence, also known as emotional quotient (EQ).

Emotional intelligence is a key component for success. This test allows you to understand your personal EQ, providing insight into areas where you’re strong and the areas that need improvement.

There are 60 questions in this test, which takes an average of 10 minutes to complete.

Your result is given at the end of the test. In it, you’ll find a set of bar graphs where the 15 domains of emotional intelligence are presented. The percentage of each domain is based on your answers on the test. The highest ones are your strong suit. Conversely, the ones with the lowest scores are areas that need improvement.

In addition to the chart, you will find a brief interpretation of the set of bar graphs and the current state of your EQ.

19. DOPE Bird 4 Personality Types Test

via Richard Step

This test increases your self-awareness by allowing you to discover more about who you are.

In this test, you need to choose a word that describes you best out of four choices. There are a total of 20 questions, and you can complete the test in about five minutes.

Your results are given after you’ve completed the test. They show you the type of bird you are (e.g., dove, owl, peaco*ck, and eagle), with a figurative description of the bird that matches your personality. The description details your potential strengths and possible weaknesses.

Final Thoughts on Self Awareness Tests

There you have it—the best self-awareness tests you can use to get to know yourself better.

Self-awareness is hard work, requiring commitment and a healthy dose of self-love.

But when you’ve done the work and developed the self-awareness habit, you’ll appreciate how it makes your life more meaningful and beautiful.

For more resources on self-awareness, you might want to check out this empowering article on 15 ways to fearlessly love yourself more and go through these self-reflection questions to understand yourself better.

Alternatively, you could head over to this post for over 80 self-love affirmations to help build your confidence.

Finally, just be yourself. The world needs someone like you.

And if you're looking for more resources on self-awareness, be sure to check out these blog posts:

  • How to Be More Self Aware: 8 Tips to Boost Self-Awareness
  • 33 Self-Awareness Activities for Adults and Students
  • 9 Examples of Self Awareness Throughout Your Life
19 Self-Awareness Tests to Truly Understand Yourself (2024)


What is self-awareness answers? ›

"Self-awareness is the ability to focus on yourself and how your actions, thoughts, or emotions do or don't align with your internal standards.

What is the self-awareness test? ›

A self-awareness test is one that dives deep into your inherent biases and even your DNA behavior to tell you what your strengths are, what you need to improve, how you can use your strengths to your advantage and other aspects of your personality you may have not yet discovered.

What is self-awareness understanding yourself? ›

What does it mean to have self-awareness? Being self-aware is all about having an understanding of your own thoughts, feelings, values, beliefs, and actions. It means that you understand who you are, what you want, how you feel, and why you do the things that you do.

How do you measure for self-awareness? ›

There are many self-awareness tests available online, some of which are free. One popular test is the INLP Center Self-Awareness Test. This test assesses your level of self-awareness in various areas, including your emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and relationships.

How do you answer self-awareness questions? ›

5 Tips for Answering Self-Awareness Skill-Based Interview Questions
  1. Reflect Before You Respond. Before the interview, take some time to reflect on your experiences where self-awareness played a key role. ...
  2. Be Honest and Authentic. ...
  3. Use the STAR Method. ...
  4. Highlight Your Growth. ...
  5. Balance Your Weaknesses with Your Strengths.
May 6, 2024

What is self-awareness and examples? ›

Public self-awareness could look a person realizing how much they swear when out to dinner with others based on the reactions of those around them. In both cases, the self-aware individual understands their thoughts and actions connect to the world around them, and in turn, help form their identities.

How do I tell if I am self-aware? ›

People with strong self-awareness skills can:
  1. Recognize their strengths and challenges.
  2. Understand and talk about their needs and feelings.
  3. Recognize other people's needs and feelings.
  4. See how their behavior affects others.
  5. Develop a growth mindset and learn from their mistakes.

What is the Big Five self Assessment test? ›

Big 5 personality traits tests

All in all, these tests are trying to discover how much your behavior varies from high to low in the five traits which include; Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism.

What is a good self-awareness score? ›

If your score is 4, this might indicate you are low in self-awareness. If your score is between 5 and 7, this might indicate you are moderate in self-awareness. If your score is 8 or higher, this might indicate you are high in self-awareness.

How do I understand myself? ›

How to learn more about yourself
  1. Examine your reactions. ...
  2. Keep a dream journal. ...
  3. Keep a regular journal, too. ...
  4. Picture your perfect day. ...
  5. Detect your drains and pick-me-ups. ...
  6. Meditate. ...
  7. Draw it out. ...
  8. Focus on your frustrations.
Aug 19, 2021

Why do people lack self-awareness? ›

People who are not self-aware are afraid to be vulnerable. They are worried that they will be judged or rejected by others, which causes them to remain unaware of their feelings, thoughts, motives, and behaviors.

What is a high level of self-awareness? ›

A few signs of highly self-aware people are the following: They trust others. They do not try to take control, but instead feel comfortable working with others and trusting that others can do their part too. They acknowledge their guilt when they are to blame, and apologize.

Why am I so self-aware? ›

You see, when we are overly self-aware, we try to protect ourselves from pain. We don't want to experience any discomfort or unpleasant emotions such as anxiety, anger, sadness, disappointment, frustration, etc. So, we try to avoid them. We do this by over-analyzing things, trying to figure out what went wrong.

What are the three types of self-awareness? ›

  • Cognitive world: Thoughts, beliefs, biases, assumptions, values, mental activity.
  • Emotional world: Emotions, feelings, moods.
  • Behavior in the world: Language, behaviors, actions – and how your behavior impacts others and is impacted by invisible forces such as power, culture, and trust.
Aug 22, 2023

What is the definition of self-awareness quizlet? ›

Self-Awareness. being conscious not only of the present moment, but also of who you are, your values, and your perception of yourself and others; reflect on one's own mental state. Symbolic Self-Awareness. A unique human ability to develop and communicate a representation of oneself to others through language.

What is the key meaning of self-awareness? ›

Self-awareness is often defined as conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings, motives and desires. It's key to self-control, decision making, creativity, learning, growth and self-fulfillment.

Which definition best describes self-awareness? ›

Self-awareness means knowing your values, personality, needs, habits, emotions, strengths, weaknesses, etc. With a sense of who you are and a vision of the person you want to become, a plan for professional or personal development can be created.

How do you explain self-awareness to students? ›

Self-Awareness is simply the ability to be aware of one's inner life–one's emotions, thoughts, behaviors, values, preferences, goals, strengths, challenges, attitudes, mindsets, and so forth– and how these elements impact behavior and choices across contexts.


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.