List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (2024)

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (1)

In Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak, new monsters have gotten introduced, from complete newcomers to returning favorites. Get ready for Sunbreak by getting to know who these monsters are!

List of Contents

  • List of All Sunbreak Monsters
  • New Monsters
  • Returning Monsters
  • New Small Monsters
  • Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) Related Guides

List of All Sunbreak Monsters

Sunbreak Large Monsters
Daimyo Hermitaur Blood Orange Bishaten Garangolm Aurora Somnacanth
Shogun Ceanataur Lunagaron Astalos Seregios
Magma Almudron Gore Magala Espinas Pyre Rakna-Kadaki
Malzeno Shagaru Magala

MR6+ Large Monsters

MR6+ Monsters
Furious Rajang
Scorned Magnamalo

Title Update 1 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update Monsters
Seething Bazelgeuse
Silver Rathalos
Gold Rathian
Lucent Nargacuga

Title Update 2 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 2 Monsters
Flaming Espinas
Violet Mizutsune
Risen Chameleos

Title Update 3 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 3 Monsters
Chaotic Gore Magala Risen Kushala Daora Risen Teostra

Title Update 4 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 4 Monsters
Velkhana Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax

Title Update 5 Monsters

Sunbreak Title Update 5 Monsters
Amatsu Risen Shagaru Magala

Bonus Title Update Monster

Bonus Title Update Monster
Primordial Malzeno

Small Monsters

Sunbreak Small Monsters
Boggi Ceanataur Gowngoat
Hermitaur Hornetaur Pyrantula
Vespoid Velociprey

List of Sunbreak Small Monsters

New Monsters in Sunbreak

Primordial Malzeno

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (42)

This variant of Malzeno is its state before being affected by the Qurio. It uses its wings and tail elegantly to fight like a knight, but its behavior can be affected once the Qurio are involved. This monster unlocks at MR10.

Primordial Malzeno: Basic Information

Risen Shagaru Magala

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (43)

Risen Shagaru Magala are an even more ferocious Shagaru Magala that has overcome the affliction. It uses the power of the Frenzy and the Risen state to bring destruction. Its quest unlocks at MR 180.

Risen Shagaru Magala: Weakness and Drops

Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (44)

Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax, an Elder Dragon that has overcome the affliction through symbiosis, uses new moves and forms to attack hunters more fiercely than the regular Crimson Glow Valstrax. Its quest is unlocked at MR160.

Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax Weakness and Drops

Risen Kushala Daora

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (45)

Risen Kushala Daora, an Elder Dragon that has overcome the affliction through symbiosis, uses new moves and forms to attack hunters more fiercely than the regular Kushala Daora. Its quest is unlocked at MR120.

Risen Kushala Daora: Weakness and Drops

Risen Teostra

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (46)

Risen Teostra, an Elder Dragon that has overcome the affliction through symbiosis, uses new moves and forms to attack hunters more fiercely than the regular Teostra. Its quest is unlocked at MR140.

Risen Teostra: Weakness and Drops

Risen Chameleos

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (47)
The Risen Chameleos, an elder dragon that has overcome the affliction through symbiosis, uses new moves and forms to attack hunters with even more ferocious force compared to the base Chameleos. Not much is known about this monster other than the fact that it is unlocked at MR110.

Risen Chameleos: Weakness and Drops

Violet Mizutsune

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (48)

Violet Mizutsune is the new fiery subspecies of a regular Mizutsune that will appear in Sunbreak's Title Update 2. This new monster can utilize flaming attacks, and its normal variant's bubble and jet moves now produce fire that can engulf the field!

Violet Mizutsune: Weakness and Drops

Scorned Magnamalo

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (49)

For those who miss the deadly Magnamalo from the original Monster Hunter Rise Demo, Scorned Magnamalo is back to up the ante once again.

Scorned Magnamalo now has blades attached to both of its forelegs, is constantly covered in Hellfire, and can even enter an even more advanced Raging Hellfire state. Try to damage the Hellfire spots around its body, but be careful of its powerful attacks!

Scorned Magnamalo: Weakness and Drops


List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (50)

The secret boss of Sunbreak, Gaismagorm, is a new elder dragon introduced to the Monster Hunter franchise. Explosive and absolutely massive, this monster certainly did not disappoint as the ultimate boss of Sunbreak's storyline.

Gaismagorm: Weakness and Drops

Pyre Rakna-Kadaki

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (51)

Pyre Rakna-Kadaki, along with its fiery attacks, coordinates with smaller Pyrantula to extend its attack range!

As an upgrade from the normal Rakna-Kadaki, Pyre Rakna-Kadaki can use its flame-tipped legs to cause explosions, so pay attention to where you are when hunting this monster!

Pyre Rakna-Kadaki: Weakness and Drops

Aurora Somnacanth

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (52)

An icy new Somnacanth subspecies has appeared in Sunbreak! Unlike the normal Somnacanth, Aurora Somnacanth blasts cold air to freeze its surroundings. It will even use the ice to slide around the battlefield!

Aurora Somnacanth: Weakness and Drops

Magma Almudron

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (53)

The Water Leviathan Almudron has a new subspecies in Sunbreak, in the form of Magma Almudron. This monster is seen withstanding the intensity of lava and can grab a molten boulder with its tail and use it as a weapon

Magma Almudron, in its special heated state, is more vulnerable to attacks as its body will be softer. Try to attack it when it is glowing red!

Magma Almudron: Weakness and Drops


List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (54)

Garangolm is a Fanged Beast introduced in Sunbreak, and is one of the Three Lords you need to hunt to prevent the calamity from falling over Elgado and the Citadel.

When enraged, Garangolm covers its right arm in magma and the other arm in moss, making it attack with both water and fire elements. Attacking its arms will remove these elements and knock it down, which will give you ample time to unleash your assault!

Garangolm: Weakness and Drops

Blood Orange Bishaten

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (55)

A new feisty subspecies of Bishaten has been added in Sunbreak, in the guise of the ever-ferocious Blood Orange Bishaten. It may look like the same as its regular species, but it utilizes exploding pinecones instead of fruits!

Blood Orange Bishaten: Weakness and Drops


List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (56)

As one of the Three Lords, Lunagaron is a constant threat when fighting it in the field. This monster is agile when on all fours, but can also stand up to use its fearsome claw attacks!

Try to chip off the icy spikes that cover its body when it is enraged to knock it down and unleash your attacks!

Lunagaron: Weakness and Drops


List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (57)

The new Elder Dragon Malzeno will join Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak as its flagship monster that has the ability to drain the life essence of its enemies.

This vampiric monster is also one of the Three Lords.

Malzeno: Weakness and Drops

Returning Monsters for Sunbreak


List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (58)

Amatsu, the Looming Calamity, makes its return in Sunbreak's Free Title Update 5 as the returning Elder Dragon. Prepare to face the storm itself with its torrential water attacks and lightning strikes!

Amatsu: Weakness and Drops


List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (59)

Velkhana, the Iceborne Wyvern, makes its return from Monster Hunter World: Iceborne in Sunbreak's Free Title Update 4. It's got plenty of freezing attacks, so hunters better prepare themselves for its icy wrath!

Velkhana: Weakness and Drops

Chaotic Gore Magala

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (60)

A variant of Gore Magala that did not mature properly into a Shagaru Magala, Chaotic Gore Magala boasts a perfect mix between the juvenile aggression of Gore and the strategic execution of Shagaru. Tread carefully - this monster is not a laughing matter!

Chaotic Gore Magala: Weakness and Drops

Flaming Espinas

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (61)

Previously called Espinas Subspecies or Brown Espinas, Flaming Espinas makes its entrance in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's Title Update 2. Instead of Paralysis, it inflicts Defense Down on hunters and hits much harder than the regular Espinas.

Flaming Espinas: Weakness and Drops

Silver Rathalos

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (62)

The shining king of the skies, Silver Rathalos, makes it return in Monster Hunter Rise in Sunbreak's Title Update 1. Its attacks are more powerful than a regular Rathalos, and it has its fearsome Incandescent state!

Silver Rathalos: Weakness and Drops

Gold Rathian

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (63)

The dazzling queen of the skies, the regal Gold Rathian, has also arrived in Sunbreak in Title Update 1! It tends to use its poisonous tail more often and has several flashy attacks. Watch out for its Incandescent state!

Gold Rathian: Weakness and Drops

Lucent Nargacuga

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (64)

Lucent Nargacuga has swooped in with Sunbreak's Title Update 1! It has appeared with a new map, Forlorn Arena, in tow.

Lucent Nargacuga: Weakness and Drops

Seething Bazelgeuse

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (65)

Another returning Monster from Iceborne, Seething Bazelgeuse has return in Sunbreak's Title Update 1! Its scales now cause bigger and stronger explosions, so watch out!

Seething Bazelgeuse: Weakness and Drops

Furious Rajang

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (66)

Returning from Monster Hunter World: Iceborne to traumatize players once again, Furious Rajang is back to show us all that he was just getting started. For those who found base Rise's version of Rajang to be too easy, Furious Rajang promises not to disappoint.

Furious Rajang: Weakness and Drops

Shagaru Magala

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (67)

The evolved Gore Magala returns as Shagaru Magala! A far cry from its original form, Shagaru Magala is covered in glittering scales with massive rainbow-like wings.

Shagaru Magala: Weakness and Drops

Gore Magala

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (68)

One of the most iconic monsters in the entire Monster Hunter series returns! Gore Magala has brought the Frenzy in Sunbreak, along with its ferocious attacks.

Gore Magala: Weakness and Drops


List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (69)

Are you ready to face the thorn at your side? Espinas has made its debut in mainline Monster Hunter titles in Sunbreak. Its breath attacks can cause Fireblight, Poison, and paralysis, so watch out!

Espinas: Weakness and Drops

Daimyo Hermitaur

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (70)

You ready with some butter, hunters? As expected because of Shogun Ceanataur's reveal, Daimyo Hermitaur showed up!

Daimyo Hermitaur: Weakness and Drops


List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (71)

Steve is back! Seregios, the blade wyvern from Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, is in for a triumphant return in MHRise! Get ready for the new bleeding status that will definitely change the way you hunt!

Seregios: Weakness and Drops


List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (72)

The Thunder Wyvern Astalos has made its way into Sunbreak! Originally from Monster Hunter Generations, older players will surely be familiar with this monster's thunderous return.

Astalos: Weakness and Drops

Shogun Ceanataur

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (73)

The familiar large Carapaceon monster Shogun Ceanataur returns in Sunbreak! It first came out in Monster Hunter 2 so it's sure to trigger some nostalgia to veteran hunters.

Shogun Ceanataur: Weakness and Drops

New Small Monsters in Sunbreak


List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (74)

The fluffy new Small Monster shown in the trailers is now confirmed to be called the Gowngoat! They don't seem to be an aggressive bunch so try hunting them in moderation.

Gowngoat: Basic Information


List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (75)

In addition to the Gowngoat, the small, Goblin-like monsters are now confirmed to be called the Boggi! They are aggressive and will attack hunters traversing The Citadel so be careful!

Boggi: Basic Information


List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (76)

The swift and vicious Velociprey are back in Sunbreak! These small bird wyverns are known to hunt in packs and can be encountered at the Jungle locale.

Velociprey Basic Information

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) Related Guides

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (77)
List of All Monsters

List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (78)Sunbreak Monsters List Monster Subspecies List
Monster Variant List Afflicted Monsters List
Risen Elder Dragons List Sunbreak Small Monsters List
New Monsters List Returning Monsters List
Small Monsters List Apex Monsters List
Elder Dragons List Monster Weakness Chart
List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8 (2024)


List of Sunbreak Monsters | Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak|Game8? ›

Sunbreak Total Monster Count

Eight small monsters were also added in Sunbreak, bringing the overall total to 112 monsters.

How many Sunbreak monsters are there? ›

Sunbreak Total Monster Count

Eight small monsters were also added in Sunbreak, bringing the overall total to 112 monsters.

What are the new monsters in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak? ›

The elder dragon Malzeno, the powerful and boulder-like Garangolm, and the icy wolf-like Lunagaron. These three monsters comprise the Three Lords, an infamous trio of monsters that threaten the lands of the Kingdom.

Why is Deviljho not in rise? ›

Deviljho can't be in Rise without being reworked. Yeah, Savage needs a big rework, that mechanic ruined it. how do you think a monster that falls down for 30 seconds every time would fare in Rise? That's basically Mizutsune (in a bit less tragic way, maybe).

What is included in Sunbreak? ›

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is an expansion to the original Monster Hunter Rise. Featuring improved gameplay and nimble-feeling additions to combat mechanics, unique new monsters and hunting locales, and a new difficulty level in the form of Master Rank quests.

How many hours to beat Sunbreak? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is about 33 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 340 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

What do you unlock at Mr. 120? ›

Armor Sets Unlocked by MR Level
Armor SetAll RequirementsHow to Get
Risen Kushala SetReach MR 120Defeat Risen Kushala Daora in its Urgent Quest
Risen Kaiser SetReach MR 140Defeat Risen Teostra in its Urgent Quest
Crimson Valstrax - Epoch SetReach MR 160Defeat Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax in its Urgent Quest
11 more rows
Apr 11, 2023

What is the final boss of Sunbreak? ›

Gaismagorm is the final boss of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Storywise, it is the final major monster that you will face in the expansion.

Is Gore Magala in Sunbreak? ›

The monster Gore Magala is a new monster for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, and a returning monster to the series.

Is Valstrax in rise or Sunbreak? ›

The monster Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax is a new monster introduced for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.

Why is Deviljho called Pickle? ›

Deviljho has the unofficial nickname “Pickle,” both in-game and off, because its body shape, massive size, and green coloration give it the slight look of a pickle. Deviljho's roar requires HG Earplugs to block. Like many other monsters, such as the Nargacuga, Zinogre, and Lagiacrus, the Deviljho enters a rage state.

Why is Lagiacrus not in Sunbreak? ›

As reported by Gaijin Hunter, Monster Hunter World executive director Kaname Fujioka described why they didn't use Lagiacrus for Monster Hunter World in an episode of Capcom's Monster Hunter Radio podcast. Essentially, the problem is that much of its body is laying on the ground, echoing the explanation from Tsujimoto.

Is Monster Hunter Rise Dead? ›

Just want to confirm is it pretty active in finding players online for hunts..Monster Hunter Rise is far from dead! With over 15,437 concurrent players and 233,592 watched hours on Twitch, it wont be dead anytime soon. The game continues . Players who join in halfway will still be able to receive rewards.

How many monsters will Sunbreak add? ›

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak includes seven returning monsters, six monster subspecies, and four brand new monsters for a grand total of 17 creatures. Below, we've listed out Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's roster in the order you'll likely face them over the course of the expansion.

Is Sunbreak worth the money? ›

For anyone who owns and enjoyed Rise, picking up Sunbreak should be a no-brainer. It's an intelligent expansion that retains the best of Monster Hunter Rise and adds more than enough to warrant its existence atop an already-meaty title.

Can I play Sunbreak without DLC? ›

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Sunbreak was released last June, and . The expansion will even bring new content to Kamura Village and other aspects of the original Monster Hunter Rise!. 99% of the DLC is cosmetic so yes you can ignore nearly all of it.

How big is Sunbreak DLC? ›

A whopping 13 gigs according to the presentation. They weren't lying when they called this expansion massive.

Is Sunbreak a big expansion? ›

Sunbreak Release Date

Sunbreak is a paid, massive expansion that costs $39.99.

How many new areas are there in Sunbreak? ›

New areas. There are two new areas where you can hunt monsters in Sunbreak. The first is the Jungle, which is a returning area from the franchise. Like the name suggests, it's a lush jungle island that features beaches, caves, and vine-laden forests.

How many DLC are there for Monster Hunter Rise? ›

Just noticed Rise has 222 DLCs.


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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.