Realm of the Mad God Exalt - the RotMG Wiki (2024)

Realm of the Mad God Exalt - the RotMG Wiki (1)

Realm of the Mad God Exalt is the name given to the Unity port of Realm of the Mad God, which was officially released on July 22, 2020.

The game’s previous engine, Adobe Flash, is now discontinued by Adobe after 2020. Therefore, porting the game was necessary for continued content updates.

In 2018, DECA Games, the current developer of Realm of the Mad God, announced plans to port the game to Unity and sponsor a player support campaign which would help fund the project.

The beta version of the client was available to supporters on March 18, 2020 and lasted for around a month. An open beta phase, available for everyone, was initiated on April 15, 2020. Since then, the new Bard class is exclusive to the Exalt client. The endgame dungeon Oryx’s Sanctuary is also Exalt-exclusive.

Exalt exited the beta phase and was officially released on July 22, 2020, coinciding with the release of Oryx’s Sanctuary. The Flash client was unsupported on September 23, 2020.

Compared to the Flash version, the Unity port features an updated GUI, improved security, significantly better performance, updated sound design including a new soundtrack, among other features.

More information about Exalt’s progress and future plans can be found in the official site.


DECA has issued several progress report updates about the Unity port, ranging from general plans and Unity campaigns to specific feature updates. Below are the Unity-specific updates that have been given, taken from general game update announcements and producer letters (where applicable, only the Unity-related sections of such announcements were included):

Producer’s Letter - What’s coming next to Realm of the Mad God?

April 25, 2018

A new client technology

It is happening and we have started scoping and evaluating different technologies. We will likely go through a period of prototyping before we can fully commit.

This is by far the most demanding and challenging project that our team has in the pipes at the moment. Porting a project like RotMG is very expensive and quite frankly not easy to pull off, especially when the highest priority is to not lose the way the gameplay feels to the players! We will keep you posted as we go forward, and as mentioned in the beginning, we hope you are at least a fraction as excited as we are about this prospect. It is a really big step towards making Realm last for years to come.

Producer’s Letter - IllumiUnity confirmed, report on feature progress and other topics!

June 12, 2018

Hello everyone,

In our last communication we shared a lot of information with you and wanted to keep you posted on a more regular basis, so here we are.

Let’s start with the most exciting news: we have completed the evaluation phase for client technologies and have settled on Unity being the future for Realm!

While first prototyping efforts are promising, it is a huge project with many unknowns. You all know that we are a small team and we prefer it that way. However, to keep support for the Flash game and build the Unity client in parallel, we need to scale the team up and get in some Unity specialists.

Since we don’t have the big corporate money to fuel this endeavor, we were thinking about running something like a campaign on Kickstarter, but that felt rather awkward seeing as we already have a running game. Instead, we are now planning on putting a Support Campaign in the game for those of you who want to see this project go forward with some solid momentum and help us out. We will be releasing details on this once we have them. Stay tuned!

Producer’s Letter: End of MotMG, Clarifications and Updates

September 6, 2018

Unity Support campaign, Team size, and Project Update

We definitely want to give you guys more updates on the port project in the future.

Currently, we are in the final phases of putting together a campaign feature that will allow for donations to be made and grant players some unique gifts as an additional thank you. Of course, we are aware of voices asking “is it not enough that I buy stuff in your game to support you?” and the answer is: yes, it is, absolutely. We are happy about everybody who plays our game, grateful for everybody that is spending on it and it is completely legitimate to not donate to the Unity cause at all. We tried to hint at the fact that we essentially have to double our developer capacity in order to keep Flash development running while porting to Unity in parallel - anybody who wants to support this effort with extra gold donations will help us ensure the success of the project and is deserving of special praise.

Unlike rumors that are floating around, we don’t have one developer working part-time to support the game - we may be small but we are still a full team with several developers, people that own game development and design, people that run live operations including support and the general overhead that comes with being a company that has more than one game in their portfolio.

We also saw some comments about how easy and fast it should be to port this game to Unity. This is far from the truth if you are talking about a production-ready client, built to replicate the current game as close as possible and with a clean code being refactored regularly. While working on the rendering engine, the cornerstone of the whole project, we ran into many technical issues related to the way the original flash game was created. Let’s take, for example, the camera rotation and camera offset: both are considered by many of us as part of the gameplay and how the game should feel and play but they were not “game design” decisions when Wildshadow created the game. They were workarounds to the constraints of flash with camera management and assets rendering. While porting the game, and since we decided to port the “current” game to a new engine, we have to figure out a way to also port those and that generates a lot of new problems to solve for our dev team (which have already been solved for the most part, hurray!).


  • Framework investigation

  • Basic Communication Backend / Client

  • Temp UI, Error Handling Manager, Popup manager

  • Display current assets and animations

  • Display tiles, 3D tiles/walls/connected walls/isometric view

  • Shaders (Outline, Glow, etc.)

  • Camera rotation

  • XML files parsing

  • Refactoring rendering engine

Next steps:

  • Core loop implementation (monsters, shooting, dying, leveling/maxing characters)

  • Pre-game UI

Producer’s Letter: Realm Remastered Project and Campaign Details

November 16, 2018

Hello everyone!

A few months ago, in one of our previous Producer’s Letters, we announced that one of our top priorities on the roadmap was to make Realm of the Mad God future-proof. With the sunset of Flash, this essentially translated into investigating alternatives for the game past 2020.

We then went on to unveil that our choice had been set and that the new client would be rewritten, from scratch, in Unity: a powerful game engine that has proven its amazing capabilities over the years. In our very last Producer’s Letter, we expanded on the topic and shared with you some details about the progress that was made since the Unity project started.

Today, we are happy to announce that we have staffed two additional developers and they are fully set up and working hard on the Unity project. In addition to being able to talk about what we have been up to, we will actually also be able to show you some footage of where we are at with the Client right now in the Realm Remastered Unity Port - Phase I trailer.

As announced, we have also released an in-game Realm Remaster Support Campaign through which you support the Unity project and get your name engraved on the wall of fame in game forever. Once you unlock the campaign, you can collect exclusive Supporter Rewards by spending gold or by farming Nexus Fragments and Crystals in the Realm!

Before going into the details of the Realm Remaster Support Campaign and how you can help shape the future of the game, we wanted to give you a full recap of the project and what it means for Realm, for you and for us as a company.

A Realm Remastered - The Unity Project

The choice of Unity

We have said it many times over the past: we are in it for the long run and Realm of the Mad God is the cornerstone that kickstarted our company as well as the team. We have and always will view it as our core.

We knew that taking over a Flash game would bear the risk that the technology, on top of becoming more and more obsolete in the gaming industry, would eventually lose support from its creators and other key third party companies. For us back then, the question was never if that was going to happen but rather when it will happen.

Other than the necessity to change client technology to one that is heavily supported in the industry, performance is a key incentive to the port to Unity. The new client will significantly improve performance and longevity of the game.

Porting the Game - Definitely a remaster

We are essentially rewriting the entire client from scratch in Unity and C# - thus calling it a remaster. Nothing from the Flash implementation will remain and the only things that are carried over will be sprite sheets and XML.

As you can imagine, this is a big project - even if we do enjoy the jokes about the fact that we should be able to do it in our basem*nt, with two people and a microwave. We want the game to feel and play identically which means that we are already working within the boundaries of what the current game is. Of course, we also want to add a lot of improvements made possible by Unity such as visual effects, camera management, performance, UIs and of course playing on full screen.

See it a bit as if you would renovate your house and move back in after it has been refurbished: everything feels familiar and you know your way around but it feels fresh and beautiful… and the leaking roof has finally been fixed. This is pretty much the result we are aiming for with the port.

Getting rid of legacy issues and starting off this new adventure with a clean code is our top priority with this project. We are regularly re-evaluating solutions and refactoring our work, building on solid foundations and as little tech debt as possible.

Team and Resources

We are not planning to stop development on the current game while porting the game to Unity and we actually expect to even have a time of running them in parallel. This was outlined in our past communications and still holds true.

This means that we went ahead and hired additional developers in the past months to form an extra team for the port project. We now have 2 full time Unity developers working on the client and also hired an additional backend developer in order to increase our capacity and prepare the game for what we hope will be a massive relaunch success for the game we love. And since a kid can dream, maybe we will go on to conquer the console space once we are live with Unity.

Remaster Support Campaign

This one was a long time in the making and we went back and forth on it quite a bit. There were just so many options. Should it be a donation only system? Should it incorporate game play? Should it reward the everyday gold spend?

At first we wanted to keep it donation based as that would allow us to allocate the proceeds directly to the remaster project. At the same time we felt that at its core, the campaign is about supporting the game - yes that means finances to a certain degree but it also means engagement, possibly the most important component to us.

People were asking us, why do this at all? We honestly asked ourselves that question and came up with the following answers that we wanted to share with you:

  • It’s a historic moment from the point of view of where the game came from and what it can become

  • Looking for validation that players agree that this is the right step for the product

  • Support the expanse of the team. These things always have to make business sense

  • Give people the chance to etch themselves into the game so that they can share in the credit of making it all possible

In the Shop, you are now able to access a new tab called “Campaign”.

The Campaign works as follows:

  • Donate Gold to join the Campaign and unlock the feature (points only start counting after unlocking the campaign)

  • Any Gold spent after unlocking the campaign in the mystery/package shop or purchases in the nexus will count towards collecting points throughout the Campaign in order to unlock “Supporter Ranks”.

  • As an alternative route, you can collect and use Support Items that you will be able to find in specific locations around the Realm

  • If you wish to go through the campaign faster or feel the desire to do something akin to donating gold to the cause, then you can use the boost option to unlock tiers directly for gold - any gold used for boosts will give you 2x the amount of points

  • Receive rewards associated with each of the Rank upon completion

  • Unlocking a Chest in the Vault via direct unlock (no unlocker items) will grant points in the form of Nexus Crystal x 5 (500pts). You will find the item inside the newly unlocked chest (updated 2018-11-20).

  • Note that for technical reasons, NOT counted are: charslot unlocks, class unlocks, skin unlocks, potions from inventories, pet yard features

Now we know that donating gold to unlock the campaign in the first place will get some people’s spider senses tingling, so we would like to explain it right away, since we also went back and forth on that one.

In essence we wanted to make sure that not every newly opened and botting account can get onto the wall of fame. That would discredit our loyal supporters in our eyes. Thus we decided for a very low amount of gold to be paid after which you can go through the tiers by game play or spending depending on your preference. Of course the gameplay part will be quite the challenge, we want to be fully transparent there. Otherwise the rewards would be worth nothing.

The other thing we want to further explain is the limited character glows. We want this one to be very exclusive and reserved for people who are as convinced about the project as we are, so it will be next to impossible to achieve this rank with only collecting shards and crystals. In order to gain access to the exclusive purple character glow, you will have to reach a total of 100.000 pts within the duration of the Campaign.

We want to sincerely thank all of you that have stuck with us and given us such great support over the past 2+ years. We consider ourselves lucky to have such a supportive Community and are looking forward to shaping the future with you.

R4 & The Deca Team

Producer’s Letter - Happy New Year and Unity Status Update!

December 31, 2018

An update on Unity development

The Unity Campaign will soon come to an end. We initiated it on our faith that the game can continue to deliver fun for many years and that it deserves to be ported to a better engine and made future-proof. We wanted to get validation that you, the loyal fans, were also on board with the project and excited about the prospect of our game being remastered. We are very happy about the feedback and response we received on it and the support shown towards the port!

While many of your were collecting Nexus Crystals, we have kept busy on the development side and have prepared a new video, together with this Producer’s Letter, to report on the progress that was made: RotMG Remastered Update - Monsters, Bullets and… Death! (Pre-alpha - Dec 2018)

Please also find a change-log of sorts below:

  • Bullets, hit boxes and damage registration

  • Multiplayer functionality (showing characters, their bullets, etc.)

  • New UI (Pre-Game and Ingame)

  • Enemy spawn

  • HP bars

  • Tooltips

  • XP & Fame

  • Daily Quest Room

  • Item handling / drops / loot

    And last but not least… DEATH :) yep, we can now die in Realm Unity. Even though we do encounter some tough challenges with some of the features that cause us to spend more time on them than we would like or had initially planned, we are making good progress and are rushing towards our goal of making the core game loop fully playable. In order to ensure high quality and no new bugs, we will start taking weeks between sprints to properly stabilize and polish every version going forward.

Picking some things up…

January 18, 2019

Hi all,

This post is not going to follow the normal structured routine of a producer’s letter, where we give a wider overview and update. I just wanted to pick up up on some things that you were discussing in the subreddit in reaction to some of the high level feature ideas from our last communication that you can find here.

Some team members helped me collect and group the major topics of discussion. Rather than just saying thank you for any positive notes, I decided to tackle the critical ones instead :) I hope we can keep up the dialogue from here on out.

1) Fame Reset

When the Producer’s Letter went out, I was absolutely sure that there was going to be a lot of talk about this one. I am glad that there is even, although I am sorry that some of you got needlessly scared.

From my point of view, there are three aspects to this:

  • Live Fame (characters): I can tell you with certainty that the plan did not include resetting live fame of existing characters. What could change is the way you gain fame going forward including the bonuses and how it relates to Leaderboards (see below).

  • Account Fame (currency): Fame as a currency and the way it was built into the game never got properly balanced and was heavily abused at times on top of that. Thus, you could never really purchase anything of true meaning with it… except for ammies, pet related features and seasonal/event fame boxes. If something cool is supposed to be available for fame, there needs to be a good way to balance it before and a reset could possibly happen while we adjust or change the currency system. Again, we are talking here about the fame as a currency aka account fame.

  • Leaderboards (ranking): Here is where I see a lot of potential for change without too much disruption. It would mostly be about adding new leaderboards, defining the way they get scored differently and shake things up. Current leaderboards can always stay as legacy rankings but we want the scoring to be more meaningful to our active user base. In case I am missing something obvious on the Legends/Leaderboard topic, I am interested to hear about it.

The more I think about it, the more I come to the same conclusions.. The game needs and deserves a well balanced scoring system and a currency that are tied to how good you are at staying alive and overcoming challenges.

The system should also give you the option to buy cool things without voluntarily sacrificing your character or characters first. Unfortunately, writing the sentence is a lot easier than coming up with a new system like that and integrating it to a game that has been running on the same recipe for years. Based on the feedback, it would seem though that thinking in this new direction and leaving the legacy fame system alone with a few small tweaks is the best option.

2) Game’s UI after Unity Port

The Community, here on Reddit, was a bit split in opinion on the UI look and feel as well as the changes the team are testing out. I totally get that. Note that whatever is in there now is not final and that the team definitely took your feedback to make an extra effort to at least give the option of a classic UI as far as possible. Let me reiterate: our top priority with the port is to keep the experience as close as possible to the current game but the team is also exploring new opportunities, which are made possible by Unity.

We are also considering adding additional resources to the team to support a UI rework, specifically to make sure that we do the legacy UI justice when implementing a new one. Alas, I guess there is no guarantee that everybody will like it. But between trying hard and having the option to switch between UIs, I hope we can make it work and deliver better UX.

3) FPS in Unity

Some of you were asking about the frame rate in the latest video and I believe pointed out that it hit 40fps in some places. That is definitely not the performance the team is aiming for and was admittedly a bit confusing. The main reasons for any reduced frame rates right now are:

  • Recording inside the Unity development tool directly instead of in a built client

  • Having all debug options enabled and running in parallel

  • Not having gone through any client optimization phase yet → first we have to build most features into the client

Anything I missed for the time being? If so, leave a comment and I will get back to you the next time around. Thanks for being constructive and helping shape the game, we’re excited and hope you are too.



Producer’s Letter: Updates on the Game & Patch X.31.7.0 [The Cursed Library] notes

May 9, 2019

Hello everyone,

It is about time for us to give you another update about the Realm, the Unity project, and what to expect in future months. It has been a while since the last letter, and we have been postponing the writing for a number of reasons, but here it is!

Since we last talked about RotMG Remastered, significant progress was made on the new client. We have dedicated a separate update to that, which we will release along with a new RotMG Remastered homepage next week. On this page, you will be able to follow development better thanks to a dev blog and get more regular status updates. Stay tuned!

While waiting for that, we want to give you more insights on what has been happening, what is to come with the current game, and take the opportunity to answer some of the questions we have seen asked on the sub and on Discord.

First of all, when is the new client to be expected to enter beta?

Without spoiling the other update we intend to give specifically on the subject too much, we already know that we will not meet our initial target of releasing the new client for MotMG this year. Even if we progress much faster between now and then, it will not be ready to enter beta by that point. More importantly, we made that decision to make sure that we are not stretching ourselves too thin and to ensure we can deliver on both the new client and MotMG with the quality level that we want and you expect.

Realm Remaster

May 17, 2019

Hello everyone,

The trees outside are in full bloom, and it is time for us to give you another update about our Unity project, “Realm of the Mad God Remaster”. We are also thrilled to announce that we have released a new website entirely dedicated to the project!

The Realm Remaster page features a dev blog where you will be able to follow the development and get regular progress updates.

We have put together a new video showing the progress we have been making (although this one is now already lagging several weeks behind our current progress). If you just came here for the show, then go ahead and click right here.

If you are interested in getting a few more details and the most recent change log, check it out.

Internally, we have already released a version that finally allowed us to play the core game loop of going from the Nexus all the way to Oryx, killing the big bad himself, and then back to the Nexus. This marks an important milestone, as it should enable us to start testing all game dungeons in quick succession.

“But when will it finally come out?” we can almost hear you asking - and we feel the same way. Based on our most recent scoping of the work we still have left, we can tell you that we are definitely planning to release it this year still. As discussed in our recent producer letter, we are separating it from Month of the Mad God to give both projects the focus they require and deserve.

“But why is it taking so long?” we hear you shout out next. Fair point. When we set out to tackle this project, we wanted to make a point of not doing a hack job. We could have focused on visual eye candy to always keep up appearances of making meaningful headway. Instead we made sure that we approached it from a clean technical perspective, rebuilding everything that wasn’t implemented properly from scratch, and getting rid of that fabled “spaghetti code.” Our hard requirements are to offer you a game experience that is as close as possible to the current one, while adding some improvements and setting us up for a long and productive road of future changes after we get the initial launch version out the door.

To shorten the waiting time, we would like to offer you a way to make a direct contribution to the work that is being done on the Unity Client of the game. We have put together a survey to get a feeling for the features that you would be most happy to eventually see in a Unity version of the game - and yes, we are aware that there will likely be more options.

Click here and participate now!

In other news, we have added a dedicated game artist to our team to both give our old game UI a few strokes of paint and help us build a brand new version as well, that way you can have different options in the final product. We look forward to sharing some more of that in the near future. And while we bid you farewell, you should really check out our new Realm of the Mad God Remaster page.

The Realm Remaster website will be expanded as development moves on, and we aim at giving you those small blog posts on a more frequent basis going forward. You are supporting us, you deserve to know what is up. :)

All the best,

The Deca Team

Unity Update - December Status

December 3, 2019

Hello Realmers!

It’s been a while indeed since the last update, but that is because the team has been busy working on the Unity client and getting it ready. That hard work has finally paid off as we are close to starting the Realm Supporter Beta.

Along with the Unity client we have also been working on new backend optimizations that will not only improve stability but also performance. So far, we have seen the game performing at 60 frames per second on older machines as well as new ones. We are currently in the process of working out the final tweaks as well as polishing the game.

Last additions to the Unity client?

The focus of the new client is to have a one for one experience as the existing Flash version. That doesn’t mean that we were not able to squeeze in some new features. One of the biggest changes will be to the security of the client and our backend. This should make it much more difficult for hacking to occur.

Wall of Fame

The Wall of Fame has been fully implemented on the new Client. It will showcase, forever and ever, all the names of the Supporters that kindly decided to back us up during last year’s campaign. This is just a small sign of our gratitude, thanks again!

What are the next steps?

I know what you are all thinking, yes that sounds great, but when do we finally get the new client?
Over the next days, we will be sharing more information about the Supporter and Open Beta and maybe also about a special event… Stay tuned!

Don’t forget to check our Unity Blog for more info and additional content.

After Unity Gameplay

December 13, 2019

Hey everyone!

Earlier today we did our first ever live stream of Unity gameplay! Though there were a few technical hiccups with our streaming setup, we hope this reveal was as exciting for you as it is for us! If you missed it, feel free to watch the archive!

While this is still a beta version, we are working to start the Supporter Beta in early 2020. We want this to be the most polished experienced possible, so that Realm can take a strong first step into this new territory.

For those curious, the Unity questions posted in the announcement thread for this stream will be answered in a thread next week. Additionally, the intro video shown at the beginning of this stream as well as the exciting new Lost Halls theme you heard in the background will both be posted next week for easy viewing/listening.

We sincerely hope you enjoyed this preview! We would like to live stream again in the future, so please let us know if you liked or disliked the structure and what you would like to see.

Thank you again for your continued support!

The Deca Team

Streaming Event: Unity Q&A and more post-event content

December 17, 2019

Hello Realmers.

As promised, below you can check the replies we were going to show during the streaming. We apologize for the delay of the replies and for the technical issues we had during the stream. Nonetheless, we hope you enjoyed the event and that you were able to see how much potential Exalt has. We are working hard and will work even harder to deliver better and interesting events in the future!

About the stuttering that some of you noticed in the gameplay during the stream. We want to make sure it is clear that the game has NO stuttering whatsoever and that it was only a streaming issue.
Once you have it in your hand you will see how smooth and fluid it is :).


Q: Will the gameplay be expanded upon after Unity by means of new mechanics or major overhauls?
A: We have plans to increase the current loop with the addition of Oryx the Mad God 3 as well as some additional progression coming but we are also looking into howRealm will evolve in a post Unity world, we are interested in shaking things up for the game but we are not ready to share our plans yet on that front.

Q: Release date plzzz!!??
A: We can’t confirm yet, but we are confident that the Supporter Beta will be available early next year, followed closely by the Open Beta.

Q: Will be there more music for each dungeon than one? Having a few background music per each dungeon would make them a lot more enjoyable.
A: The current plan is to have one distinct track for each Dungeon, we plan to iterate on our Music system in order to allow for more adaptive and dynamic Music Experience. For example, the start of the Dungeon would be calmer and when you Fight the Boss the music would get more intense.

Q: Will inventory management and storage constraints ever be reworked?
A: We are considering some improvements in terms of UI of storage management, soon we might reveal some info about it.

Q: Will you add any QoL updates? Making dyes and cloth available for fame was a nice start but I’d love to see more!
A: The Unity client itself already comes with several QoL improvements like the improved char list and we are always looking to add more in the future.

Q: Will fps be capped or is it possible to get above at least 144?
A: Will be capped to 60FPS for launch.

Q: Regarding Unity performance, it was mentioned that it was running at 60 fps on both older and newer machines. However, I’m skeptical of the consistency with that. Can you confirm that it consistently performs to that standard with all the effects of up to 85+ people with pets?
A: First of all, both dungeons and realms were never designed to handle more than 85 players. Being able to currently connect to full realms or dungeons above the limits is actually a bug. Unfortunately, at the moment is not easy to fix but this is one of the things we will focus on after the Unity launch.

Performance-wise, yes we will be ready for handling more players with the Unity client.

Q: Will the new client use all cores of the CPU? I know that flash player only uses one core, which really cripples gameplay.
A: Unity is capable of using more than one core. Also, we use multi-thread for few core features to balance the load. Besides, the new client will be fully benefiting from GPU so that all rendering will be happening on GPU.

Q: Will Rotmg Exalt have higher Hz and fps? For example, 120hz or 144hz.
A: Not for the launch, but we are looking at such options as a post-launch feature.

Q: Will there be an option to have higher FoV in Rotmg Exalt?
A: Yes and no. Unity client will have higher FoV since we can support different screen resolutions and ratios, but gameplay FoV won’t change. Even if you will be able to see more tiles on the screen, they will be covered by the “fog of war.”

More stuff

Below you can appreciate the intro video we showed during the stream and some of the new soundtracks!Intro video->

Thanks to Aiden and WangleLine that created the music you listened to during the stream (and for the video above), they are doing an amazing job with the music!
Here you have the Lost Halls’ Theme (by WangleLine) -> Headphones on and pump up the volume because this one is epic!

Thanks to the Supporters that joined us in the DECA’s office. Sorry for the one that couldn’t make it. We will have more events in the future and I hope to give a chance to many more for even bigger events!
Thanks to the Realmers that watched the event on Twitch and Youtube, we really really really appreciate it.

Exalt Supporter Beta and Kongregate users

March 13 2020

Hello Realmers,

Early next week, we will be unveiling our plans and schedule for the Supporter Beta of Realm Exalt! A full announcement will follow soon, however, today we wanted to address a requirement for Kongregate players in advance.

Unfortunately, our Supporter Beta phase does not work together with the Kongregate platform, which is why we want to ask all Kongregate supporters to transfer their accounts to the browser, so the transition to Unity will be smoother. You can do so by submitting a ticket to our CS team.

RotMG Exalt Update

March 20 2020

Hello Realmers!

It’s been more than 24 hours since we released the Realm Exalt Supporter Beta! We are very happy that so many of you came back to check out the new Unity client. We know it is not in a perfect state right now, but that’s why we have this Beta. We are incredibly thankful for all the bugs you have reported on both our Discord channels and Exalt subreddit.

Right after the release and your initial reports, we started working hard on the most crucial issues that you guys faced. Currently, we are preparing a fix for some of the issues which will be released very soon. The issues are:

  • Infinite loading screen when connecting to the game

  • “Account in use” pop up when switching dungeons

  • Changes to launcher to allow all supporters to get into the game

After fixing these, we will be preparing a bigger set of fixes which we will try to release in the near future.

Please keep in mind that we are doing our best to fix all issues, but this process takes time. We will try to have releases as soon as possible, but sometimes it can take a bit longer to find the solution and push a fix.

Once again thank you for all bug reports and feedback! Please keep reporting them as they help improve our game vastly. Your participation in this stage will contribute to making the final release the best it can be!

RotMG Exalt Supporter Beta patch #1

March 25 2020

Hello Realmers,

Today we’ve released the new RotMG Exalt Supporter Beta Patch #1.

List of fixed bugs:

  • Accuracy always showing 0%

  • Alien Leprechaun death message not showing

  • Ally projectiles toggle - off

  • Friends List - not seeing all online friends

  • Infinite loading screen for Steam users that connected account to web

  • Joining friends’ server from the social menu does not work

  • Large and small Alien cloths display text

  • Not all alive character displayed after death on another character

  • Not proper handling zip files on steam

  • Oryx quest completed in new Realm

  • Package from shop disappears when you purchased all possible (limited) quantities

  • Quest markers showing inanimate objects

  • Quest portraits display when the setting is turned “on”

  • Right clicking on names in chat is not working properly

  • The button to join the server of a person on your friends tab does not work as intended

  • Weird Friends List/Guild overlay cutting

  • Wrong dungeons list on stats popup

  • You can use “Join” button on full dungeons and be sent to Nexus

  • Other minor fixes

Implemented changes:

  • Adjusted Fame/HP/MP colors

  • Art adjustments on GUI

  • Change ToS and privacy link in launcher

  • Display 8/8 in yellow

  • Floating icons background to fit UI

  • Friends - Online/Offline visuals

  • Legends Leaderboard - fixed draggable Equipment

  • Options - Toggles colored (red - off / green - on)

  • Polished Attributes display - now with smaller font and bigger gap between |

To apply these changes, players need to download the new launcher and client via the launcher.

We are constantly working on bug reports from you. We are planning to release another patch next week.


RotMG Exalt Open Beta

April 11, 2020

[Exalt Open Beta Hotfix 04/17/20


April 17, 2020

Hello Realmers,

We just released an update to Unity Client. Here is what has been fixed so far:

  • Camera no longer continues to rotate on death when holding down the rotation key.

  • Player Life and Air Bar are now visible no matter of DrawPlayerHPBar settings.

  • Server capacity is now refreshed properly.

  • Upon Exalt Token consumption, the points now update correctly (visibly) in the Open Beta Bonus Program.

  • Various fixes in terms of disconnections.

  • You can now switch to a different server when a server is down or full. This is connected to the disconnection fixes mentioned above.

Note: In order to download the newest version, you need to restart the launcher.

Exalt, Oryx 3, and Feed Power

April 24, 2020

Exalt Update

The next Exalt patch is planned to release on the 29th, and we have a number of bug fixes and improvements in the works! Here’s what we plan to address in the near future.

  • Fix for thrown object animations (such as boulders from Suesogian) not appearing in the air

  • Addition of a dead character summary from the graveyard panel

  • Fix for the teleport cooldown after switching servers still applying to guild mates after the first teleport

  • Fix for two daily quests being able to be highlighted at once

  • Fix for the display of how many stats a character has maxed on the selection panel not being accurate

  • Fix for quest and player arrows not rendering properly

  • Fix for characters dying when nexusing

  • Fix for dragging an item from a vault chest and hovering it over an inventory slot while moving away would render that slot unusable until resetting

  • Fix for players being sent to fresh realms with no heroes to defeat

  • Fix for items not being able to be picked up and freezing in place if another bag is created on top while collecting it

  • Fix for trap tiles in the Undead Lair not rendering

  • Fix for 3D models issue with Dwarf Miner

  • Fix for Wall of Fame not displaying player names properly

  • Fix for Ground objects not displaying correctly, or at all

  • Fix for 3D objects sometimes not displaying texture

  • Fix for Skins consumed with another class not becoming available immediately upon use

  • Fix for ST Set Skin not disappearing immediately upon unequippin

  • Fix for Social Guild Tab and Guild Chronicle displaying everyone’s last time seen as the same

  • Fix for pet feeding not updating immediately after being fed

  • Fix for items being deleted when trading with a full inventory

  • Fix for minimap rotation breaking apart when rotating at specific degrees

  • Fix for cloth textures not rendering properly in the Login Calendar UI

  • A new refresh button to the server list

Realm Exalt Open Beta Patch - 04/29

April 29, 2020

Hello Realmers!

Thanks to your reports, we have a lot of fixes prepared for this week’s release!

  • “Last Online” time is now displayed correctly for different friends/guild members in the social panel and guild chronicle.

  • A dead character’s summary is now available when clicking on the character in the Graveyard.

  • A pet’s experience now displays correctly in the skills progress bars after feeding it.

  • Account section UI has been removed on Steam.

  • Character select screen now shows the pots to max for HP and MP.

  • Cloth’s textures now render properly in the login calendar UI.

  • Consuming a new skin for other classes now does not need a client restart to show in the wardrobe immediately.

  • Disconnection fixes.

  • Equipping different items to replace ones from a fully equipped ST set, no longer displays the 16x16 skin.

  • Fixed visual issue with teleportation cooldown across servers for guild members.

  • Fungal Cavern roof (3D object) now displayed correctly and disappears when you are under it.

  • Inventory Slots no longer glitch when you place an item in one and move away from the chest.

  • New account creation flow was made smoother. You will now see a popup window to verify your email address before being able to log into the game.

  • Only 1 quest can now be highlighted at the Tinkerer’s.

  • Oryx 1 music track was updated.

  • Picking up items from loot bags will no longer glitch when another loot bag is dropped near you.

  • Problem with not showing proper stat progression has been fixed.

  • Servers Screen now has an additional Refresh button within the screen.

  • Social media links have been added to the launcher as a drop down tab.

  • Suesogian’s animation when throwing boulders is now visible.

  • Traps are now rendered in Undead Lair.

  • Yellow dots (players) on the mini map now display correctly when mini map rotation is set to on and a player rotates the camera.

  • You are no longer able to join a full server via the social panel.

  • You will no longer be able to trade with other players if your inventory is full.

Note: Acquiring the new patch requires you to close the client and launcher and then download the new version. Also, if you restart the launcher, it will provide you with the new link to download.

Unity&Flash Patch Notes/PT/Animations

May 7, 2020

Hello Realmers,

We are back with another set of fixes - for both Realm Exalt (Unity) and Realm on Flash. We also want to introduce an awesome cosmetics feature our lovely design team has been working on for awhile now. We know you want to look as fierce on the battlefield as possible but we also know you want to do it in style! Introducing Animations! More on that below.
Unity Fixes

  • /nexustutorial command has been removed.

  • Added a chat and a popup message when idle for too long.

  • Beginner Package now shows for all newly created accounts.

  • Death summary was added to the death screen.

  • Fixed characters dying after Nexusing and being stuck in a loop of notifications.

  • Fixed issue with random projectile sprites not randomizing properly.

  • Issue with dragging and dropping from and to the inventory has been fixed.

  • New tutorial!

  • Performance optimizations

  • Pet icons show in the interaction panel at all times in the Pet Yard.

  • Promoting and demoting guild members no longer disconnects you/gives you an error.

  • Smoother transitions when opening the Servers Screen, Leaderboards Screen, Daily Login and Daily Quests have been implemented.

  • The display of realm population has been adjusted to the new realm server limit of 300.

  • Using a dungeon’s Portal of Cowardice will no longer teleport you into an empty (no heroes) Realm.

Note: Acquiring the new patch requires you to close the client and launcher and then download the new version. Also, if you restart the launcher, it will provide you with the new link to download.

Exalt Features, Bard Changes, and Videos

May 15, 2020

Unlike past weeks, Oryx 3’s fourth and final miniboss will not be revealing himself just yet. Instead, today we will be taking a look at the Bard, in addition to more Exalt news and some information about the content creator partnership we mentioned in a previous blog post.
Exalt Update

A new Exalt update will be released on May 20th, and a number of changes, improvements, and bug fixes will be coming along with it. However, there are two new features in particular that we’d like to highlight here in advance, both pertaining to realms.

  • Realms will now feature a timer, displaying how long a realm has existed since its generation.
  • Full realm portals will now use a queuing system, instead of just who can interact with it first upon having a slot open up.

We will have extra information on both of these upon release, but we hope these improvements are exciting and helpful for all!

Chief Beisa and Agent of Oryx Items

May 29, 2020

Exalt Update

On top of continuous bug fixes, stability improvements, and feedback changes, we are also exploring more and more new features available to utilize on Exalt. As of late, one addition in progress is a simple yet handy new interface option.
Work in progress preview

With this, you’ll be able to see the contents of bags, vault chests, and any other kind of loot container simply by hovering the cursor over it. This loot inspector feature will make it faster to peek at what you’ve gotten, as well as save some time walking over to secondary bags that may or may not have anything relevant to you.

Realm Exalt/Flash Patch Notes & Prismimic Events

June 4, 2020

Hi there Realmers,

After a rough patch with the Bard release last week, we are ready to make more improvements and fixes to both Realm and Realm Exalt. We have something special for you, something that you’ve all been asking for awhile now! Check what that is and more, below:
Realm Exalt Patch

  • Added a new QoL feature - a Loot Quick Inspector! Click CTRL or hover over a bag/vault chest/gift chest and see how it looks.

  • “Lock” and “Ignore” now work as intended.

  • Ally Notifications no longer display when turned off.

  • Chat improvements.

  • Fixed issue with infinite unzipping on Steam.

  • Fixed issue with screen freeze when creating a new character for the first time.

  • Fixed issue with set default resolution on start.

  • Fixed some disconnection issues.

  • Guild Chronicle now shows “Current Fame” instead of “Total Fame” inside the Guild Hall.

  • Issue with unsent text disappearing when clicking away from chat was fixed.

  • Main character class selection page now displays the correct star level.

  • Performance improvements.

  • RotMG Exalt Launcher improvements.

To apply changes players need to close the client and launcher then re-open to download new launcher and client via launcher again.

Realm of the Mad God Exalt - the RotMG Wiki (2024)


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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.