Public Notices - August 1, 2024 (2024)


Anyone wishing to speak at a Public Participation Meeting can do so virtually using Zoom online or phone, or by attending in person. City Hall is currently open to the public for public participation meetings.If you wish to attend in person to speak to a matter that is on an agenda you are encouraged to pre-register by email or phone; however, should you wish to attend virtually, pre-registration is required. To pre-register, please email or call 519-661-2489, ext. 7100. Please note that some Elected Officials may attend the meetings virtually.

1Notice of Collection of Personal Information – personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 and will be used by Members of Council and City of London staff in their consideration of this matter.Questions about this collection should be addressed toManager, Records and Information Services,3rd floor, City Hall, 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON N6A 4L9. Tel: 519-661-2489, ext. 5590,


The following applications were received and advertised on a previous date in The Londoner and have since been REVISED. The Planning and Environment Committee will be considering these applications at a future public meeting, the date and time of which will be published in the Londoner.If you have any questions or would like to provide comment, please see “Providing Comment” below.

168 Meadowlily Road South –The purpose and effect of this application is to consider a proposed draft plan of subdivision, Official Plan and Zoning amendments to allow a residential subdivision consisting of multiple-attached dwellings including townhouses, low-rise apartment and high-rise apartment buildings, neighbourhood facilities, open spaces, multi-use pathways; served by one (1) public street. Draft Plan of Subdivision – Consideration of a Draft Plan of Subdivision consisting of two (2) low rise low-density blocks, one (1) medium density midrise apartment block, one (1) block for high-density high-rise apartment, two (2) parkland and pathway blocks, one (1) ESA buffer block and seven (7) road widening and reserve blocks; serviced by one (1) new street (Street A). Official Plan Amendment – Consideration of possible amendments to The London Plan for a specific policy for the Neighbourhood Place Type is also requested to permit a mid-rise apartment building with a building height maximum of six (6) storeys, as well as high-rise apartment buildings with a building height maximum of twelve (12) storeys, whereas an upper maximum building height permitted for the subject lands is six (6) storeys. The site-specific amendment will specifically apply to Blocks 3 and 4 on the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision. Zoning By-law Amendment –Consideration of an amendment to the Z.-1 Zoning By-law to change the zoning from Holding Urban Reserve (h2/UR1) to the following zones: BLOCK 1 - a Residential R5 (R5-7(_)) Special Provision Zone: to permit cluster townhouse dwellings with a front yard setback (minimum) of 4.5 metres (arterial), whereas 8.0 metres (arterial) is required; rear yard setback (minimum) of 3.5 metres (to Street ‘A’), whereas 5.0 metres is required; and, an interior yard setback (minimum) of 1.5 metres, whereas 5.0 metres is required; BLOCK 2 - a Residential R5 (R5-7(_)) Special Provision Zone: to permit cluster townhouse dwellings with a front yard setback (minimum) of 4.5 metres (arterial), whereas 8.0 metres (arterial) is required; rear yard setback (minimum) of 3.5 metres (to street ‘a’), whereas up to 6.0 metres is required; an exterior side yard setback (minimum) of 4.5 metres (with a door access to the side yard), whereas 6.0 metres is required; an interior side yard setback (minimum) of 3.0 metres, whereas up to 6.0 metres is required; and a density (maximum) of 120 units per hectare whereas 60 units per hectare is permitted; a Residential R6 (R6-5(_)) Special Provision Zone: to permit single-detached, semi-detached, and duplex dwellings with a front yard setback (minimum) of 4.5 metres (arterial), whereas 8.0 metres (arterial) is required; rear yard setback (minimum) of 3.5 metres (to street ‘a’), whereas up to 6.0 metres is required; an exterior side yard setback (minimum) of 4.5 metres (with a door access to the side yard), whereas 6.0 metres is required; an interior side yard setback (minimum) of 3.0 metres, whereas up to 6.0 metres is required; and a density (maximum) of 120 units per hectare whereas 60 units per hectare is permitted; BLOCK 3 - a Residential R5 (R5-7(_)) Special Provision Zone: to permit cluster townhouse dwellings with a front yard setback (minimum) of 4.5 metres (arterial), whereas 8.0 metres (arterial) is required; rear yard setback (minimum) of 3.5 metres (to street ‘a’), whereas up to 6.0 metres is required; an exterior side yard setback (minimum) of 4.5 metres (with a door access to the side yard), whereas 6.0 metres is required; an interior side yard setback (minimum) of 3.0 metres, whereas up to 6.0 metres is required; and a density (maximum) of 120 units per hectare whereas 60 units per hectare is permitted; a Residential R6 (R6-5(_)) Special Provision Zone: to permit single-detached, semi-detached, and duplex dwellings with a front yard setback (minimum) of 4.5 metres (arterial), whereas 8.0 metres (arterial) is required; rear yard setback (minimum) of 3.5 metres (to street ‘a’), whereas up to 6.0 metres is required; an exterior side yard setback (minimum) of 4.5 metres (with a door access to the side yard), whereas 6.0 metres is required; an interior side yard setback (minimum) of 3.0 metres, whereas up to 6.0 metres is required; and a density (maximum) of 120 units per hectare whereas 60 units per hectare is permitted; Residential R8 (R8-4(_)) Special Provision Zone: to permit senior citizen apartment buildings, handicapped persons apartment buildings, nursing homes, retirement lodges, continuum-of-care facilities; and emergency care establishments with a front yard setback (minimum) of 5.0 metres, whereas 8.0 metres is required; a rear yard setback (minimum) of 3.9 metres, whereas 8.0 metres is required; a height (maximum) of 20 metres (6 storeys), whereas 13.0 metres is permitted; a density (maximum) of 120 units per hectare, whereas 75 units per hectare is permitted; and, a site-specific regulation which, notwithstanding subsection 4.19(4)(a) and subsection 4.19(4)(b), to allow parking in the front yard or exterior side yard with enhanced landscaping; Residential R9 Special Provision Zone (R9-5(_) – to permit apartment buildings, handicapped person’s apartment buildings, senior citizens apartment buildings, emergency care establishments and continuum-of-care facilities with front yard setback (minimum), rear yard setback (minimum), height (maximum), and exemption from subsection 4.19(4)(a) and subsection 4.19(4)(b), to allow parking the front yard or exterior side yard with enhanced landscaping, are proposed; BLOCK 4 - Residential R10 (R10-4(_)) Special Provision Zone: to permit apartment buildings, lodging house class 2, senior citizens apartment buildings, handicapped persons apartment buildings and continuum-of-care facilities with a front yard setback (minimum) of 1.5 metres (arterial), whereas 12 metres is required; an exterior side yard setback (minimum) of 3.5 metres, whereas 10 metres is required; a rear yard setback (minimum) of 2.0 metres, whereas 16.4 metres is required; an interior side yard setback (minimum) of 7.5 metres, whereas 16.4 metres is required; a lot coverage (maximum) of 47%, whereas 45% is permitted; and, a height (maximum) of 41.0 metres, whereas specific height requirements is not currently prescribed in the By-law; Block 5 - an Open Space (OS5)to permit conservation lands, conservation works, passive recreation uses which include hiking trails and multi-use pathways, and managed woodlots; Block 6 – an Open Space (OS1)to permit conservation lands, conservation works, cultivation of land for agricultural/horticultural; golf courses, private parks, public parks, recreational golf courses, recreational buildings associated with conservation lands and public parks; campgrounds, and managed forests;. The City may also consider adding holding provisions in the zoning. File No: 39T-24503/OZ-9763 Planner: S. Meksula and A. Patel

850 Highbury Avenue North– The purpose and effect of these applications would be the creation of a mixed-use plan of subdivision.

The applicant has submitted a revised Draft Plan of Subdivision (39T-21503) and Zoning By-Law Amendment (Z-9577). The original Notice of Application for these and the associated Combined Official Plan & Zoning By-Law Amendment (OZ-9324) was published in the Londoner on March 11, 2021.A notice of revised application for the Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-Law Amendment was published in the Londoner on May 30, 2024. The applicant has now submitted another revision to their applications:

  1. No changes are proposed to the previous circulated Draft Plan of Subdivision consisting of one (1) low density residential block, eight (8) medium residential density blocks, two (2) medium density residential/mixed use blocks, eight (8) high density residential/mixed use blocks, six (6) heritage blocks, one (1) institutional block, one (1) parkland block, four (4) open space / servicing blocks, one (1) stormwater management block, one (1) rail line block, one (1) future develop block one, one (1) road widening, served by the extension of Rushland Avenue, Howland Avenue, Spanner Street, and seven (7) new streets (Streets A through G).
  2. Possible Amendment to Zoning By-law Z.-1 To change the zoning from a Regional Facility (RF) Zone to a Holding Residential Special Provision R9 (h-100•R9-7(*)•D440•H92) Zone, Holding Residential Special Provision R9 (h-100•R9-7(*)•D560•H92) Zone, Holding Residential Special Provision R9 (h-100•R9-7(*)•D410•H92) Zone, Holding Residential Special Provision R9 (h-100•R9-7(**)•D440•H92) Zone, Holding Residential Special Provision R9 (h-100•R9-7(*)•D350•H80) Zone, Holding Residential Special Provision R9 (h-100•R9-7(*)•D350•H80) Zone, Holding Residential Special Provision R9 (h-100•h-***•R9-7(*)•D350•H80) Zone, Holding Residential Special Provision R5/R9 / Neighbourhood Facility (h-100•h-***•R5-7(**)/R9-7(***)•D150•H42/NF1) Zone, Holding Residential Special Provision R5/R9 (h-100•h-***•R5-7(**)/R9-7(***)•D150•H42) Zone, Holding Residential Special Provision R5/R8 (h-100•h-***•R5-7(*)/R8-4(*)•D100•H15) Zone, Holding Residential Special Provision R8 (h-100•h-***•R8-4(*)•D150•H22) Zone, Holding Residential Special Provision R8 (h-100•h-***•R8-4(**)•D100•H15) Zone, Holding Business District Commercial / Community Facility / Heritage (h-100•BDC/CF2/CF3/HER) Zone, Holding Business District Commercial / Community Facility / Heritage (h-100•h-***•BDC/CF2/CF3/HER) Zone, Holding Neighbourhood Facility/Open Space (h-***•OS1/NF1) Zone, and Open Space (OS1) Zone.

Key revisions to the previously circulated applications include:

  • Increasing the maximum permitted heights from 42m (12 storeys), 54m (16 storeys), and 75m (22 storeys) to 80m (25 storeys) and 92m (30 storeys) on blocks fronting Highbury Avenue North and Oxford (Blocks 12-19). The maximum permitted densities on these blocks are also proposed to be increased from 250, 300, and 320 units per hectare to 350, 410, 440 and 560 units per hectare.
  • The previously proposed R9-7 special provision zone requested for medium density residential blocks in the southeast portion of the plan, has been replaced with an R8-4 special provision zone with similar height and density special provisions.
  • A new holding provision h-*** is proposed by the applicant which would require further study and implementation of noise and vibration mitigation measure before development on the impacted blocks to the satisfaction of the City.
  • No changes are proposed to the revised Draft Plan of Subdivision previously circulated on May 30, 2024.

The City is also considering the following amendments:

  • Alternative residential zones which reflect the long-term development vision of the subject lands;
  • Special Provisions in zoning to implement the urban design requirements and considerations of the London Psychiatric Hospital Secondary Plan; and
  • Adding holding provisions for the following: land use compatibility, urban design, water looping, municipal services, and phasing.

A new application for an Official Plan Amendment has also been submitted (File: O-9766) to amend the London Plan and London Psychiatric Hospital Secondary Plan to permit the heights proposed in the revised Zoning By-Law Amendment. File: 39T-21503/Z-9577. Planner: M. Clark & A. Curtis (City Hall).


The following applications have been received by the City of London. The Planning and Environment Committee will be considering these applications at a future public meeting, the date and time of which will be published in the Londoner.If you have any questions or would like to provide comment, please see “Providing Comment” below.

850 Highbury Avenue North– The purpose and effect of this applications would be the creation of a mixed-use plan of subdivision.

The applicant has submitted an Official Plan Amendment (O-9735) to update the London Plan and London Psychiatric Hospital Secondary Plan to permit a maximum height of 30 storeys for blocks that are immediately adjacent to Oxford Street East and Highbury Avenue North.

The City will also consider possible amendments to the Secondary Plan to provide flexibility in the design of public streets and bicycle routes, update the schedules of the Secondary Plan to reflect revisions to the proposed road network and block fabric, and other minor amendments to the plan to be consistent with the revised proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision for the subject lands (39T-21503). File: O-9766. Planner: M. Clark & A. Curtis (City Hall).


Your comments on these matters are important.You may comment by phone, mail or emailing the planner assigned to the file you are interested in. Mail should be directed to: The City of London, Planning and Development, P.O. Box 5035, 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON, N6A 4L9.

Please note:Personal information collected and recorded at the Public Participation Meeting, or through written submissions on this subject, is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and the Planning Act, 1990 R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13 and will be used by Members of Council and City of London staff in their consideration of this matter. The written submissions, including names and contact information and the associated reports arising from the public participation process, will be made available to the public, including publishing on the City's website. Video recordings of the Public Participation Meeting may also be posted to the City of London's website. Questions about this collection should be referred to Bridgette Somers, Manager, Records and Information Services 519-661-CITY(2489) ext. 5590.

If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the Corporation of the City of London or of the Approval Authority to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City of London before the application is adopted or approved, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision.
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City of London before the proposed amendment is adopted or approved, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.

*Please see the Planning Actfor updated appeal requirements.


Opportunities to view any file materials in-person can be arranged through the file Planner.For more information about these matters, including information about appeal rights, contact Planning and Development at and/or (519) 930-3500.

*Please ensure you reference the File Number or address in all communications.


NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DESIGNATE PROPERTY OF CULTURAL HERITAGE VALUE OR INTEREST– NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of The Corporation of the City of London intends to designate as a property of cultural heritage value or interest the following property in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990:

Property Description - 1458 Huron Street

Publication Date - August 1, 2024

Last Date for Objection - August 31, 2024

The property at 1458 Huron Street is located on the north side of Huron Street between Webster Street and Sandford Street. The property is located in The Grove, a historic area of the former London Township. The house on the property was built in about 1852 and is historically associated within the Flower family. The property remained in the ownership of descendants of the original owner of the house until 2010. The Flower family settled on this property in the former London Township in 1848, with the construction of the building in about 1852.

The building on the property at 1458 Huron Street is a representative example of a buff brick Georgian farmhouse. The two-storey buff brick dwelling is generally square in plan with a hipped roof and a symmetrical three-bay front façade. The central doorway is articulated by sidelights and a narrow transom. As a c.1852 Georgian farmhouse, the building is representative of the Georgian farmhouse form and style in London. While residential development has altered the setting of the farmhouse, the building remains historically linked to its surroundings as a physical reminder of The Grove.

The rear addition is not a heritage attribute.

The full statement explaining the cultural heritage value or interest and a description of the heritage attributes of the property can be seen in or obtained from the Office of the City Clerk by phoning 519-661-CITY (2489) ext. 0916 or by e-mailing Any person who objects to an intended designation must, within thirty days after the date of publication, serve on the City Clerk a notice of objection in writing, setting out the reason for the objection and all relevant facts. The Ontario Heritage Act provides that where a notice of objection has been served, the Council shall consider the objection and decide whether to proceed with designation.

DATED at London, Ontario on August 1, 2024

Michael Schulthess, City Clerk

Public Notices - August 1, 2024 (2024)


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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.